inner dimensions of climate change


The Inner Dimensions of Climate Change is a series of global dialogues with young ecologists organized by Global Peace Initiative of Women and Earth Charter International with support from Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association. 

There is an increasing consensus that the degradation of Earth’s living systems comes from our growing disconnection from the natural world. By exploring the deeper dimensions of the climate crisis, we are calling for re-engagement with the natural world, to recognize Earth as a living being to be cared for and honored. How do we as a human community cultivate of a relationship based on respect, appreciation and gratitude, where the natural world is understood to consist of living energies and is not a commodity to be used and abused at our will. The climate crisis is the consequence of a lack of understanding of the delicate ways in which nature balances itself and of the interconnection of all of life. 

The goal of this series of programs is to cultivate in young eco-advocates an understanding of the sacredness of Mother Earth and the vital relationship between humans and a diverse living planet. We do this through shared experiences in nature, times for reflective practice, and through dialogue with mentors from the international spiritual community with critical insights on this subject. We listen and feel with our hearts we will re-discover the sacred connection we hold with our Mother the Earth.